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the unspoken question feeding Fridays' fracas was one of trust

given the history of demonstrably false statements, the torn up contracts behind US A.I.D. grants, and the declarations on Greenland, Canada, Gaza are there any contracts, words or behaviour from Trump and his administration demonstrating they can be relied upon? trusted?

Trump wants Zelensky to trust that an economic interest in Ukraine would serve as a guarantee of sovereignty.

but if Trumps' mineral rights weren't threatened by hostile "new management" of Ukraine would he defend Ukraine's sovereignty?

is Trump capable of doing a deal with Putin that says so long as you respect my mineral rights you can do as you please?

again, is there any past evidence to suggest proclamations/statements/contracts from Trump can be relied upon?

wondering if anybody needing anything from Trump has had the balls to tell him he can't be trusted?

just thinkin.


there were two questions with trust at their heart, both regarding the security guarantee.

the first, "JD, what kind of diplomacy are you speaking about?" led to the explosion.

the second, when a reporter asked, "What would happen if the cease-fire were to be violated by Russia? was dismissed as fantasy...“What if anything? What if a bomb drops on your head right now?”. suggesting the very idea of Russian aggression was fantastical.

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